Voted A Top Social Media Coach, Mentor, Success Coach and Inspirational Speaker Carl Ramallo helps you to achieve a better lifestyle. Find your life's purpose. Wed, 07 Mar 2018 04:00:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 114028955 35 Tips & Reasons Why You Should Use Social Media To Build Your Brand Tue, 06 Mar 2018 01:58:44 +0000 35 Tips & Reasons Why You Should Use Social Media To Build Your Brand. First off, I think people need to take full advantage of the benefits, that  it will bring to you and your brand when doing so. Whether you are a small business, in Coconut Creek, Florida or […]

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]]> Brand Awareness35 Tips & Reasons Why You Should Use Social Media To Build Your Brand. First off, I think people need to take full advantage of the benefits, that  it will bring to you and your brand when doing so. Whether you are a small business, in Coconut Creek, Florida or a major brand like, Royal Dutch Airlines, gaining the power of your audience is of utmost importance. “How you interact with people is going to determine a tremendous factor of your success “, in the social media world that we live in.

There is a huge difference between gaining a committed long-term customer in using the product or service , than it is being the best blogger out there that knows how to advertise, use analytics, metrics, Etc to reach an audience. Those technical items are part of the deal, however,  human interaction is where it’s at. That is King. The content is the queen ultimately. You could be the most brilliant writer out there, yet you suck at human relations. I see this all the time on the web. While this might sound a little bit controversial – good.

The fact is, there are people out there that I’ve spoken to that have the personality of a brick. However, they’re good at utilizing computer technology. I’d rather do business with somebody that I know well, engage with constantly, have something in common with-trust.

To me it is not so much being the number one marketed social media guru on the web. However my heart, passion, and sincere caring for the results that you would get utilizing a service that I may provide you, will speak for itself. As your social media journey begins, these are some of the things that I feel should be the foundation of how you should become an integral part of it.

  1.  Always respond quickly and give feedback to your prospective audience or current clients on your product or service.
  2.  Whether you want to become a brand advocate, or just want to improve your reach in the marketplace. Learn how to access all platforms, to advertise yourself online.
  3.  Become a part of a group, or Community online – including local and Regional.
  4.  Quick  tip, go to “advanced search” function on Twitter, and type in your location, and start locally.
  5.  Twitter, at 1 p.m. is typically when most retweets happen , (currently as for the date that I write this post).
  6.  On Pinterest, Saturday is generally the best day to post anything approximately around 9 p.m.
  7.  If you like Insragram, you can Rock It, on Mondays, especially,  from 3 o’clock in the afternoon just about every day.
  8.  Branding, you must clearly create a recognizable identity for yourself.
  9.  If you sell widgets, then you must establish yourself as an expert in the field of widgets. So use forums and answer any questions that you can, with your audience.
  10. Learn how to become more personable. Like I said earlier, some people out there are great technically, yet suck as far as engaging on a human level. We cannot all be Masters at everything. However, in this sometimes.. cold world of social media, you better learn to develop those skills.
  11. Integrate social networking to create big time traffic on-site like digg and Reddit.
  12.  Any company that is more accessible, will become more of a trustworthy source. So be that social media brand.
  13.  Incorporate the strategy of allowing your customers and potential clients to give suggestions on their likes and dislikes of any of your products or services.
  14. Social networking is one of the fastest-growing Industries on the planet, so you definitely need to take the time towards investing in social media.
  15. Over 78% of small businesses use social media, are you one of them? Start putting the word out there immediately.
  16.  All social media marketing will further validate your brand
  17.  Look for where your audience hangs out, and try to be more relevant than your competition.
  18.  At least several times a day in the morning mid-afternoon, and evenings to help improve engagement on your brand.
  19. Look into doing some advertising. It’s been shown that paid advertisements can help you reach a larger targeted audience.
  20.  Try to be authentic, and let that side of your brand show. This is why you should be on social media,right?
  21. Learn how to use visual content. This is becoming the future of social media as we know it. A Video will average more than 60% engagement than any photograph will.
  22.  Use a content calendar to help plan for any specials or events that you may be having.
  23.  Learn how to host a free chat or webinar will you could discuss the value of your products and/or services.
  24. Organize social metrics;  with any of your posts and your promotions. Rapid engagement that would lead to increased traffic and conversion for you and your brand.
  25.  Facebook, now offers live broadcasts. This is a strategy that you should explore now.
  26.  Use Medium, as part of  your social media strategy.
  27.  Instagram, make sure that when you post photos, ask people to tag their friends in your posts.
  28.  Learn how to promote your product or service in under 20 seconds.
  29. eCommerce, has mentioned that sales will increase on social media to over $4.4 trillion dollars by 2021. Can I give you a better reason of why you need to be a part of social media?
  30.  Learn to be conversational and not so much promotional.
  31. Consider mobile advertising and promotion. By the end of 2019, over 5 billion people on the planet will have mobile devices. 89% search while using their smartphone.
  32.  Install a “buy” button on your site.
  33.  Consider Vlogging
  34.  Build Brand Awareness
  35.  Provide Social Proof

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Enjoy Life & Live the way you’ve always Dreamed of!!!

Create a Great Day,

Carl Ramallo, Success Coach

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]]> 0 2200 Tuning Our Inner Mind Computer To Success Mon, 05 Mar 2018 14:29:21 +0000 Tuning Our Inner Mind Computer To Success. Unfortunately, we do not get what we deserve in life – we get what we expect.   And so, depending upon whether our subconscious is programmed with a positive expectation for success, or with a negative expectation, it heavily contributes towards the results we […]

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]]> innermindTuning Our Inner Mind Computer To Success. Unfortunately, we do not get what we deserve in life – we get what we expect.   And so, depending upon whether our subconscious is programmed with a positive expectation for success, or with a negative expectation, it heavily contributes towards the results we receive in the areas of wealth and success.

This means that our levels of success are very much tied into our own perception of self-worth, and whether we feel we are worthy of success.   Because if deep down our subconscious we do not truly believe that we are 100% worthy of success, then success is definitely not going to come knocking on our door – or if it does, we will find ourselves shutting the door again without ever realizing it was an opportunity.    And so it is important to build up our own sense of self worth, confidence and inner belief, as these inner resources seem to reflect

This is because our brain possess hundreds of thousands of neural pathways running through it, which transports the electrical impulses of our own thoughts around our body – and when we change our wealth consciousness, those particular pathways associated with ‘success’ begin to suddenly transport more and more electrical impulses along them – and this increased mental ‘traffic’ transforms these neural pathways from low-traffic back streets into major neural superhighways.   When this happens, it literally becomes easier for us to think these kinds of successful thoughts, than it was for us before.Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality.

And then, as the saying goes, “success breeds success” – we virtually become programmed to succeed, no matter what the environment.  As the more success you have, the easier it then becomes to be even more successful in the future.   But it’s not only the neural network that helps to create our success.  The universe conspires with those who are specific in what they want. When you specifically state your goal you activate numerous mental and universal laws of the subconscious mind to act in your favor greatly improving your chances for success. Remember,however, Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all. So keep that in mind as well. When you see a thing clearly in your mind, your creative success mechanism within you takes over and does the job much better than you could do it by conscious effort. The only limits in life are the limits created by your mind.


Enjoy Life & Live the way you’ve always Dreamed of!!!

Create a Great Day,

Carl Ramallo

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]]> 2 1344 Periscope Tips for Twitter’s Live Streaming App Mon, 05 Mar 2018 03:31:43 +0000 Periscope Tips for Twitter’s Live Streaming App. Ever since Periscope and even FaceBook LIVE emerged on to the marketplace, live mobile broadcasting is becoming huge in the social media industry. There are quiet subtle differences in both of them, and I will not get into the technicalities of it, because […]

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]]> periscopeiconPeriscope Tips for Twitter’s Live Streaming App.

Ever since Periscope and even FaceBook LIVE emerged on to the marketplace, live mobile broadcasting is becoming huge in the social media industry. There are quiet subtle differences in both of them, and I will not get into the technicalities of it, because overall I think Periscope has a greater advantage from a marketing standpoint, due to the fact that it is connected to Twitter. Many people are asking how can you make money using Periscope?

Well, first off. If you have a product or service to sell, get on there and just start talking about it. Mobile and Video Marketing in the next few years are going to account for 70 + % of marketing online,  so the visual aspect of using this powerful marketing tool is huge.

Since March of 2015, this tool has been changing a lot of small businesses and influence marketers means of promoting themselves. In addition, since August 2017 it sees over 32 Billion views daily. Do me a favor and please don’t pay any $ on a program that will tell you how to make money using this product, you don’t need to do that. The bottom line is get out there and start putting the word out what you do, using this tool.

So how do you actually broadcast on Periscope.  Just press the log in with Twitter button and you’re simply live. Remember to choose the Twitter account that you wanted to use to broadcast, especially if you have more than one. If you do not want to use your Twitter username, then create your own Periscope username. I would capitalize each word in your username, it’ll make it a little more readable to your Periscope viewers. On a side note, occasionally you will run into some blockhead who just wants to annoy people and possibly you, while you’re streaming live, my suggestion here would be to tap on the user that you want to block and then just tap, where it says block user. Use Periscope Producer to Broadcast from external devices.

* If you want to share your broadcast on Twitter? Then click on the little twitter icon before you broad cast and your Twitter followers will get a tweet on it. When you are done with your broadcasting just double tap to flip the camera. And to end it simply just swipe down and click on the stop broadcasting. The cool thing about this is that it remains live 24 hours afterwards, unlike Meerkat, once you’re over with your broadcasting- it’s dead. However, if you wish to save your video permanently, just type #Save in your Title Posts. That’s it, but the great thing about it is that your followers instantly been notified that you are actually broadcasting, so they will be directly connected.
If you are on Twitter, anyone in your Twitter community could literally click on the link of any one of your scopes and watch whatever is showing on your phone. Facts tell and stories sell,that is an old saying in the world of the sales gurus, so people will use this broadcasting tool that is live, to give their points by telling stories or whatever it is they’re doing or promoting. While you are using this fun tool, the people that are watching can ask questions and you can answer them live. It’s a pretty cool piece of technology if you ask me. If you have anyone following you on this application, hey could watch you for 24 hours after that live stream, So again, just to recap, unless you save it- poof- it’ll be gone. A few brilliant marketing friends that I know,will not do a YouTube video, if I paid them. So you can do a 3 minute  or 15 min. video here and just get it out to everybody in the comfort of your home, or even if you’re on the beach. After you streaming video, Periscope, it will automatically post that link to Twitter for you. It also gives you the option of saving to a private stream.

One thing to keep in mind, especially see you folks that might be either nearsighted or farsighted you gotta keep the phone close enough to so you could read the comments of anyone that might be asking you a question. I have a dear friend who does a great job of doing this. The growth of this product is absolutely tremendous. 10 Million plus people have registered for an account as you’re reading this right now. It’s clearly beating Meerkat and any other social stream video application out there as well.

Here are some of my tips for you on how to use this streaming video tool effectively:
* Like I mentioned in some of my videos on YouTube, and on my blog articles. Overall, you need to let your personality shine. Just be you. Remember content marketing is about establishing your expertise and even though you are delivering it live on streaming video, concentrate on building a relationship with your audience . Remember, it’s not about necessarily advertising.

* Depending on what you do, broadcast some tips and answer some questions for your viewers. Do not try to sell yourself at any point in time. If you feel you could solve a problem, and bring value to someone, that should be the topic of your stream for that scope.

* For right now it seems the best times to stream is in the evening hours, however it does get a little tricky because the time differences, since this could be seen anywhere in the World.  If you live in the US between 7 and 10 p.m. seems to be working great right now for people.
* When you’re going to name your stream, think of something creative.
* If you have a blog or website, whatever you want people to check out make sure you give it a plug towards the end your stream.
* If you were in a particular industry, a great thing to do, will be talking about any Hot Trends or issues that are happening at the moment. Get people engaged in that conversation. They will remember is that come back to see u streams often. And in turn, they will tell others, and your feed will grow like wildfire.

*Call to action. You can actually swipe to your right while watching the broadcast and share it.
*Just in case, you want to see and learn what is hot right now that is streaming on periscope, check out http://www.streamalong.TV

* Check out how brands are using periscope to stream and get business to the masses. Adidas, is one company that does it exceptionally well. For more tips on how to use this product and how it could benefit your small business as an entrepreneur. Contact me and take advantage of my 15 minute free consultation and from there we could take it to the next level if you so decide to do so. Thank you so much for your time.

If you liked this article and felt that it gave you value? If so, would you be so kind to leave a comment and share via Social Media.

Enjoy Life & Live the way you’ve always Dreamed of!!!

Create a Great Day,

Carl Ramallo, Success Coach

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]]> 0 2123 Mastering The Law Of Attraction Sat, 03 Mar 2018 14:43:36 +0000 Mastering The Law Of Attraction.There are keys to mastering the laws of attraction. It helps you be the person you want to be. Is there anything more important in your life right now that is more important to learn in your life right now? Ask yourself this question. You must […]

The post Mastering The Law Of Attraction appeared first on Carl Ramallo | Success Coach, Social Media Strategist and Speaker.

]]> Mastering The Law Of Attraction.LOA Self ImageThere are keys to mastering the laws of attraction. It helps you be the person you want to be. Is there anything more important in your life right now that is more important to learn in your life right now? Ask yourself this question. You must open your mind. It is all about personal development. You must accept and explore your creativity. You must consciously choose your experiences. You must consciously choose your beliefs and focus your reality to create events. You must understand this. The physical world is there for you you to create your belief systems, and learn have to master it. Don’t accept the world at face value. If you do not like something in your life -change it. Stay in the moment. You must create faith and trust in your actions.

Allow your mind to flow in reality. Your mind which overcomes your life, is the driving force of your life’s experiences. You must come to alignment from within the source. If something is bothersome, make peace with it. As you find want you want in life, you must come into alignment in that moment. When your alignment is stable, allow the universe to allow to bring it to you. What it is you are looking for? Be honest with yourself. You must understand what works for you and then you can bring it into motion. You must make it work for you. eg: If you have or thing negative thoughts than that is what the universe will bring to you. So avoid negative thoughts and focus on positive things. You must take responsibility in your life, actions, and thoughts.

You have to master yourself in order to master the law. It is constant, it does not change. The more you change yourself. The more things will take change for you and you will start to live the life you really want. Never stop growing. Don’t try to keep the law a secret. Explain the law to others. It will help you further in your surroundings. Do things that make you feel happy & appreciate what you already have in your life. You must show your gratitude in your mind for the things you have. The more that you show the law of attraction, the more it will really bring in wonders to you.

No, don’t quit your job and take a 70 day cruise and delete your savings. I know that would possibly make you happy for a while,however, I am not talking about such an action. Imagine that you already have what you wish for.Know what you want and concentrate on the things that you are looking for. Never try to limit your results and beliefs.
The vibrations you have in your life will be the wave in which the universe communicates with you. You on your own attract everything to yourself and positive thoughts attract what you want. It is related to your actions. Talk about the things that you would like to have, and the the law will act for you. Encircle yourself with the things you want. Stay focused. Let negative things go. Act and position yourself in a balanced way. You must have a clear picture in your mind of what you want.

You cannot have fear and worry. You cannot have indecision and doubt enter your mind. It will be a dear price to pay if you do not pay attention to these things. You are limited only to what you set up in your mind. Usually, you are unaware of your limiting fears and beliefs because they are inside your subconscious mind. The things you avoid the most have the potential to liberate you and give you everything you’ve been looking for. People do more to avoid pain that to gain pleasure. Make only the best happen for you. I look forward to hear what you think about this article, please give me feedback in my blog. Thanks so much for your time and God Bless.

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]]> 2 797 Understanding The Law Of Attraction Sat, 03 Mar 2018 07:55:49 +0000 Scientific laws govern science. For every action there is a reaction. Physical,mental and spiritual is in balance here. Good or bad thoughts, it is what is produced in your life. Your thinking is what you are going to attract in your life. Do you think about lack of? Do you […]

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]]> attractionScientific laws govern science. For every action there is a reaction. Physical,mental and spiritual is in balance here. Good or bad thoughts, it is what is produced in your life. Your thinking is what you are going to attract in your life. Do you think about lack of? Do you think about what if? Your life is produced by your past thoughts, you need to change your thinking. You are responsible for what you do not like and make a change right now. So here are some tips to help you understand the law of attraction better, to make changes in your life.

Whatever you specifically want, you must focus on. The subconscious mind, does not recognize the words “don’t ” , “not”, and
“no”. If you do not want money problems? Don’t tell your mind this. Money is currency and currency is energy. It is important to have powerful Law of Attraction and Abundance affirmations to attract money to you.

Let me give you some examples:
I earn $____ a month doing things I love and enjoy.
I love having money.
I love the freedom of having money.
I have $______ for my new car or new home.
I am open to receive money.
I give generously to myself and others.
Select an affirmation,however,make sure you repeat it often, and write it down and look at it several times a day. Especially in the morning and at night prior to going to sleep. If you desire a specific amount, it is very important to be specific about the amount of money you are seeking to manifest. Visualize yourself traveling,shopping,and paying for them with cash. Map it out in your mind daily. How about increasing your bank account? Concentrate only on what you do want in your life. You will begin to experience in your life, these things if you never give on your daily thoughts.We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit. If you are not getting back in your life the things you are seeking, you must change your strategy. The law of attraction, responds to your vibrations out in the universe that you sending out there. The vibrations speaks over 40,000 per second. Thoughts are things, and we say say these words and things over and over again not consciously realizing the meaning of the statement. If we fully comprehended it, we should understand it’s power and manifestations of it’s energy.

The human brain is the only instrument to capable of registering soundwaves-for now. The basic law of atrraction, is “Like Attracts Like”. Remember, pay attention to the things you want in life. Let’s say you want more abundance in your life, If you don’t feel the abundance, you will never be able to attract it.The more gratitude you show, the more you will be able to open yourself up to receive whatever the universe has to give you. Examine each of your beliefs and eliminate the one which limit you. I am still looking to manifest certain things in my life and I know my own blocks are the only thing keeping me from getting them.The law of attraction states that like energy tends to attract like energy. Begin to practice feeling good about the things that you want to manifest.Send out positive thoughts to others and you’ll get that back.Like energy attracts like energy.You must make a choice to make that jump from a stagnant career to financial prosperity and satisfaction. A law of attraction tip is that a person must visualize what he/she really wants in life. Taking action is probably the most important step in achieving the success you want in life. Success, happiness, prosperity and abundance are within your grasp, if you apply your mind toward what you want. Magnetism, this law has roots in the Indian philosophy of Karma, and it preaches the proponent, ‘as you sow, so shall you reap’. So the energy that you radiate, whether positive or negative, will result in attracting the same from the universe. Practice the above and you will learn to attract abundance in your life.

Enjoy Life & Live the way you’ve always Dreamed of!!!

Create a Great Day,

Carl Ramallo

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]]> 0 1019 Listening in Social Media? No…then SHUT UP! Sat, 03 Mar 2018 02:37:42 +0000 Listening in Social Media? No…then SHUT UP! We live in a modern age where as marketers, sometimes we try to communicate a little too much toward prospective customers, instead of listening to what they are actually looking for. In fact over 74% of consumers rely on social media in some […]

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]]> ListeningListening in Social Media? No…then SHUT UP! We live in a modern age where as marketers, sometimes we try to communicate a little too much toward prospective customers, instead of listening to what they are actually looking for. In fact over 74% of consumers rely on social media in some form or another to make a purchasing decision. Yet for some reason we can’t keep our mouth shut. There’s a reason why we were given two ears and one mouth. I do know for a fact that you can never learn anything, while you’re running off your mouth, telling them how you are the great social media influencer that you think you are.

It is imperative that we do everything in our power to build relationships with not only our current customers but any future prospects that come along the way, and to ensure the proper engagement while building a relationship. I’ve said this a hundred times over, it’s all about engagement, building trust , once you have probably learned how to do so, that will lead for a nice frequent impact ,that will never lose interest long-term.

One of my mentors, told me a long time ago, ask better questions, and get better results. He was so profound in that statement. You need to develop total responsiveness with everyone that you come in contact with in the business world. Rapport, with people is built by a commonality. Do you know how to do that? Perhaps you need somebody to teach you how to do so. I have been teaching people in business how improve on those skills, for over two decades.

Only 7% of your communication skills are based on words. So my advice to you is learn the proper techniques or shut up. You need to get people to agree with you, connect with you and say “me too”. You will only get to this point ny listening to them.  Learn how to attack your customers concerns, and bring them solutions. However, do it with logic and reason. What you are ultimately looking for is to have your prospects needs and wants filled by what you offer. If you cannot do that, then go back to the drawing board. You need to establish a system and consistently apply this with everyone that you are prospecting AND to remain with your current customers and retain them long-term- by listening more intently, and asking better questions

Since you do not have an exclusive product nor do you have a service that your prospective customers cannot find elsewhere. What you need to do, which is crucial, is build a relationship. Remember, your most valuable asset is your reputation. If you’re an egotist, and you think that you provide the best social media services out there…who would want to do business with such a person. If you were listening in social media, to your prospects needs and wants, perhaps then ask them, as you are gathering information and listening to them …is this what you had in mind?”

You brand will have value when you are increasing sales-of course. However, there is only one proper way to do so, and that is to listen to the wants and needs of those you desire business from.  I believe you should treat people like friends instead of consumers. When you listen…….sssssshhhhhhhhhhh– did you hear that?

Yes, sales will come.

If you liked this article and felt that it gave you value? If so, would you be so kind to leave a comment and share via Social Media.

Enjoy Life & Live the way you’ve always Dreamed of!!!

Create a Great Day,

Carl Ramallo, Success Coach

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]]> 0 2191 Law Of Attraction;Your Life Is a Reflection Of Your Choices. Fri, 02 Mar 2018 14:50:48 +0000 Law Of Attraction;Your Life Is a Reflection Of Your Choices. Two Corrective Actions which may help you: There are two primary choices in life; to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them. I discovered I always have choices and sometimes it’s only a choice of […]

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]]> LOA2Law Of Attraction;Your Life Is a Reflection Of Your Choices. Two Corrective Actions which may help you:

There are two primary choices in life; to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them. I discovered I always have choices and sometimes it’s only a choice of attitude.Whatever you choose, you might as well enjoy  it. It is your choice. If you are satisfied with your job and you do not want to supplement or replace your income….do not complain. You made that choice. You chose not to take “action” toward changing your life. Nothing will change unles YOU change.“Some people choose to live by complaining. Other people choose to live.”

1. Recognize that there are few things in life that you *have* to do. There are many things that you may *choose* to do. Use your daily and weekly to-do lists to prove to yourself that you almost always have a choice and that you are indeed prioritizing and making choices.

2. Remember that you’re just one person. If any course will result in frustration, remind yourself that you’re pursuing the best course possible *at this time.* Avoid berating yourself for a decision that turned out less than perfectly. Acknowledge that if you had chosen the other way you’d be berating yourself for a different reason. A good motto to remember is, *I did the best I could with what I had at the time.*

I came to the conclusion that we fail our way to success.

Remember, you did not graduated College in 6 months,right?
Rome, was not built in a day,right. Success takes time!

*”I am not judged by the number of times I fail but by the number of times I succeed, and the number of times I succeed is in direct proportion to the number of times I can fail and keep on trying.* —Tom Hopkins, Make your dreams come true by changing Uncertainty into Action.

I did some work for Tom when I was in Az. back in the 90’s -great guy!

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Challenge procrastination with decisive action. Remember that it’s not necessary to have all the evidence before you commit yourself. Sometimes it takes a leap of faith.

How long are you going to wait to start living? Hmmm…I think you’ve waited long enough-don’t you? The end result of your life here on earth will always be the sum total of the choices you made while you were here.”

In Success,


Carl Ramallo

Enjoy Life & Live the way you’ve always Dreamed of!!!

Create a Great Day,

Carl Ramallo, Success Coach

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]]> 0 307 Social Media Marketing Strategies Tue, 27 Feb 2018 14:10:12 +0000 Social Media Marketing Strategies. I know, I know, you want to reach a National audience,however, I am learning that a lot of great leads are being generated from local and regional searches. I’ll give you some examples. 73 % all online activity is based on local searches online. Local Businesses […]

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]]> Social-Media-CollageSocial Media Marketing Strategies. I know, I know, you want to reach a National audience,however, I am learning that a lot of great leads are being generated from local and regional searches. I’ll give you some examples. 73 % all online activity is based on local searches online. Local Businesses will do most of their searches using a Search Engine as well as 88% of consumers.  So what does that mean to you. Well, for one thing is that you start by building a trust in your immediate area market base. You will be surprised what relationships will develop by doing so. I met someone one day and I had a nice Golf outfit on, and he asked if I was a Golfer, the rest is history, especially, if you let them beat you on the course LOL.

According to Google, out of 70% of searches that are done by companies online, 20% of them are for local searching. I would highly suggest that you register with any local directory you can find online in your area. Do a little research and check into some Social Media Marketing Strategies Online and look at: Twitter’ Follow Fridays and even Facebook’s Small Business Friday. You can engage in some great relationships that will help you develop your online brand. If you are looking to start building locally then your next step is to start branching out on national level. Remember, you also never know who your local prospects know nationwide.

On Twitter, you want to engage with people and keep them informed of industry news that you should share on a regular basis. You want to be a leader in your field and keep on the cutting edge of what is happening in your industry. Once you share it and then build trust they will enjoy doing business with you. Don’t just follow anyone o.k. Follow those that you want to keep in touch with. Search for a conversation on a discussion , let’s say: Blogging. Then join that convo. In the World of Facebook, set up a fan page if you have a small business, keep it separate from your personal page. Channel your activity feed toward people you know. Identify your audience and where they spend their Online time. Photos and videos spread like viral rapid fire here. Share content and tag away. Social Media searches are really starting to take shape with Google Plus. You can assign an Author next to (Google + Authored Results), this will influence search results. People with a photo, will be linked to your Google + account. SO that is an advantage to increase your click through rate.

Enjoy Life & Live the way you’ve always Dreamed of!!!

Create a Great Day,

Carl Ramallo

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]]> 0 1266 How to Rock your User Generated Content Mon, 26 Feb 2018 13:41:51 +0000 So you want to Rock User Generated Content? It’s always a hot idea to basically tap into the power of a customer base and use any original content to fire up your marketing campaign. Brands are asking their customers to basically showcase the creative side, and many of them are […]

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]]> UCGSo you want to Rock User Generated Content? It’s always a hot idea to basically tap into the power of a customer base and use any original content to fire up your marketing campaign. Brands are asking their customers to basically showcase the creative side, and many of them are tagging their posts with very creative hashtags. If a brand has a product page, on a website or blog, then it’s a great idea to help sell a product or service. Brands, are getting creative by asking any of their followers to give a personalized story what they like about a product or service , then any of those would be featured on their website, and in turn will be sent out to any social media platforms that they are on.

Marketers must leverage every opportunity that they have it instead of just creating valuable content, they should also be looking to create opportunities for content creation. It should be a mission of yours, when looking  to develop user generated content, to focus on attracting and developing an educated audience into taking action as well.

User generated content, is one of those things that always fills in a void , to help others contribute their thoughts , feelings and experiences. If done correctly user generated content, can become one of the most powerful digital marketing methods to spike up sales. I have said this so many times in the past, that when it comes to any content marketing , people that are drawn to a certain product or service that they normally engage with and trust, will pay out tenfold over those that don’t!

People love to be a part of something, and if you give them a platform to do so – they generally will and with great excitement. When was the last time you went to a karaoke bar? The people that take the mic, try to sing like Steve Perry, a former singer of Journey. Speaking of which, has been one of my all-time favorite rock bands, and for good reason. They know how to belt out one good hit after another. Years ago, they came out with a very interesting campaign, if I recall correctly on Instagram, where people are using the hashtag for Don’t Stop Believing , and everybody was singing the song , with their own vocal prowess. It was all over Vine as well, I believe.

According to Ipsos, people that generally posted about a product or brand. were visiting a brand or company website over 67% of the time. Any conversations that they had with friends, that number went up to 74% , which is why user generated content, is so much more powerful then a normal professional review from a local newspaper or radio ad. There is no direct connection between the two known parties, so it’s not as powerful.

User generated content, is so powerful, as a matter of fact, 20% more based than traditional media marketing , because it creates an opportunity for the average user to tell their own version of the story.  Think about it. Look at the success that Snapchat has had daily worldwide. How about web sites like BuzzFeed, where it allows people by logging in to the site to upload their own stories.

The Internet Advertising Bureau, has determined that over 90% of consumers would recommend a brand after interacting with it on social media. So imagine how powerful it would be if a friend of yours recommended something that you trusted.  The difference with communicating with the brands directly, is how responsive they are on social media. Some brands that I love, are horrible at engaging with consumers. A lot of that has to do with a quality of the people that are on board taking care of such matters. Coca Cola, knows how to rock user generated content. They encourage consumers to post pictures of themselves with their personalized name bottles. I remember the first time I saw a coke bottle with a person’s first name on it, I’m thinking, anyone enjoying  this brand, is going to search for their name and buy it.

There are many reasons in social media, why user generated content it’s so powerful, and why you should incorporate it into your own marketing strategy. Consumers between the ages of 25- 55 are basically contributing to over 70% of all user generated content. Just look at the stats on Kissmetrics, 25% of the search results for the Top 20 Largest Brands in the World,  are related to user generated content.

While user generated content, is not exactly new, however, it should basically be on the tip of your tongue when it becomes time for you to Market your brand, product or service. This is how you will learn How to Rock your User Generated Content.  Right  now,  I am seeing many people overlooking this powerful form of marketing. Remember, any comment or testimonial that’s posted on social media, will most likely have a better chance of influencing a buying decision of one of your prospects, as opposed to just relying on your own marketing and advertising efforts for your brand.

If you have a Blog, I would definitely  post any user generated content into your  social media efforts, as well as into a customer testimonial section. User generated content is very Interactive, so make sure that you take the time to allow your prospects and customers , to voice their opinion. This will be a solid indicator of the qualities of service offered, on your product or brand. Make sure to monitor your content and keep developing your UCG to your advantage by properly engaging and supporting those who have a passion for responding on how they feel. Long-term, you will be glad that you did. Long Live UCG.

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Enjoy Life & Live the way you’ve always Dreamed of!!!

Create a Great Day,

Carl Ramallo, Success Coach

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]]> 0 2195 How to save TIME with these Top Social Media Management Tools. Wed, 21 Feb 2018 03:15:46 +0000 How to save time with these top social media management tools. There are a number of social media management tools to help you do more, get more sleep time and assist in making money, while taking your presence online to the next level. It’s how you use these tools on […]

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]]> Social Media Management-ToolsHow to save time with these top social media management tools. There are a number of social media management tools to help you do more, get more sleep time and assist in making money, while taking your presence online to the next level. It’s how you use these tools on all your social media accounts across the web, that will make a difference.

Hootsuite– Arguably one of the most popular so many reasons. Even the free version that they have is fantastic, and for the everyday user. The paid version knocks it out of the ballpark. You can post to several popular social media platforms and also create assignments and monitor campaigns that you set up. Great tools all around, including analytics that will help you monitor and customize reports.

Tweetdeck– If you already Twitter fan like I am, and many others worldwide. Check out this app. The cool thing about it that I love is how it lays everything out vertically across the board your notifications messages and activity will show up right in front of your face so you know exactly what’s going on & what to pay attention to. This operates totally within your current internet browser. For marketing I’ve always found Firefox to be the best. Since it connects directly with Twitter, you will see the updates stream in real time like a Stock Market ticker, when you connect directly with Twitter. Also, Facebook,  LinkedIn and others are there as well for you to check out.

Socialoomph – Not only can you use this for your social media platforms comma however you could post directly to your blog… That’s if you have one as well. Both free and professional versions, either way  you cannot go wrong. The ability to track keywords is great using this application, you could even shorten URL’s, so you will not have to go to a separate URL shortener, which is another pretty cool future behind this application – and so much more.

Cyfe– Since 2012 this L.A. based Company, is an all in one business dashboard for social media. This powerful social media tool; Includes analytics, support and you can basically manage/advertise, just about anywhere you could possibly think of online. Your data could be targeted even to things such as Google AdWords or AdSense.  You can even create dashboards for social media. It takes literally minutes to set one up.

Buffer– I use this all the time. A very cool social media management tool for marketers. You should definitely check this out. Social media means nothing without proper engagement. It is the whole key to ROI, KPI metrics and Analytics. It becomes pointless if you do not engage, developed a relationship and trust with your niche audience. You could use this great tool to queue a tweet , or perhaps a LinkedIn update, or a Facebook post with ease. Just drop them into the queue and Buffer will take care of the rest for you.


Twibble– A very cool way to schedule your tweets with video and images as a matter of fact you can manage up to 60 RSS feeds using this and it has analytics and much more. The cool thing about it,  is that they are such a visual platform, their system will automatically pull a featured image and embed them into your tweets. Pretty cool, huh?

Postplanner – No Doubt a very popular social media platform as well. This application has the ability to add feeds, by going to the “Find” tab to add your Facebook URL, and RSS Feed, not to mention your Twitter handle as well.  How does adding a custom branded toolbar on every article you publish, sound? In addition to bulk uploads and analytics, Post Planner, shows you How to Find Content to Post Inside as well- plus much more. Sounds pretty good to build up engagement, right?…  this will ultimately lead to more traffic and increased ROI. Look no further.

ScheduGram – We are living in a visual world and social media visual is becoming the way to go. If you are a fan of something like Instagram. Then you might want to check this out ASAP. This post scheduler, will allow you to post on Instagram via a web interface for as little as $20 a month.

Zoho– Is a social media management software that would help you across multiple social networks. You can schedule an unlimited amount of posts even monitor keywords. They even have a free version that will allow you to handle one brand on 4 social networks.  They also have some great analytics here as well, that tell you when is the best time to tweet and when most of your connections are usually active during the week.


SocialRank– Is a very overlooked social media management tool that helps you find and analyze your followers and manage them on Twitter and Instagram. Being able to sort your followers pretty nice. You could also find out who retweets, mentions and replies to most as well.

Dasheroo– If your focus is on social media KPis, then this platform is built for social media marketing Pros alike. The dashboard will help you keep and look out on all your social media profiles. You can integrate with Twitter – LinkedIn – YouTube – Instagram – Pinterest you could even use this with your AWeber Auto responder account and much more.

There are many other choices out there with higher costs. I must bring to your attention that everything that you select is entirely dependent on the unique needs of any of your marketing efforts. These are just a few, let’s chat and we can go over some more to help your Marketing efforts!

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Enjoy Life & Live the way you’ve always Dreamed of!!!

Create a Great Day,

Carl Ramallo, Success Coach

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