Mindset Strategies
The Guru Inside YOU! Life is always happening to you, and there is a force inside of you that can make amazing changes in minutes. You read correctly, in minutes. The problem for many people is they have no where to turn for direction without a coach telling them what […]
Mindset Strategies
Master The Habit Named, Certainty. The #1 thing that keeps people from getting what they want is that they are sabotaging themselves. Everything we are doing in our lives is because we are doing things to avoid pain more than gain pleasure. I need to remind those out there that […]
Mindset Strategies
What Drives YOU to Success? You are a physical byproduct of your mental thoughts Many people throughout their lives have always heard things like; ” You’ll never accomplish anything in life” or “That’s not for you”. However, life should be what you choose for yourself, not have it based on […]
Mindset Strategies
Is your mental strategy guiding you in the right direction? One of the greatest things that I have learned after being coached by Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn, Zig Ziglar and others, is that you need to make some mental shifts in order to get your mind to do what you […]
Social Media
Create a Solid Content Marketing Strategy. In the social media world that we live in, content marketing will be one of the top ways that you can reach your target market. The content that you put out there for your readers, followers and prospects will determine tremendously and the success […]
Social Media
Learn your KPI’ s for Social Media, it’s as easy as A-B-C. There are a lot of mysteries in the world of social media, and one of them is your key performance indicators. And there’s many things that you could learn about them to help improve your social media efforts. […]
Social Media
Are you building relationships or just sucking up to influencers? Influencer marketing, has become a very hot topic and if you think about it, it’s not very difficult to understand why. Just on Instagram alone when you have over 400 million active users, it is by far one of the […]
Social Media
Social media is changing your marketing strategy. Like it or not it’s a fact. Technology is changing faster than ever this year and one of the hottest Trends is Video Marketing. The stage has already been set, and live instant marketing is taking over traditional content marketing and kicking its […]