Social Media

Tsu, The fastest growing social network that pays.

classroomTsu, The fastest growing social network that pays. So what is Tsu? It is a combination of Social network and payment platform that allows users to maintain ownership of their posted material. This New Social Network will reward it’s users for creating and also sharing their content. I am fascinated by the initial look of the platform, since it reminds me something like Twitter, which I Love. People say it also reminds them of Facebook,too.

This model has been online before, however, I think this one is very interesting to say the least, and will make some noise online for bloggers and Social Media enthusiasts alike. Of course time will be the ultimate test,but, so far I really like using it.  I am not going to sleep thinking that I will earn of bunch of income off of it, but look, if I had a nickel for my 20,000 plus Twitter followers on a regular basis-why not. “If we are going to be on Social Media anyway using any of the Top 25 Platforms out, I might as well throw this in the mix and see what happens”. They raised $7 million via Sancus Capital Prive, and they are off to a good start.

This Company was founded by several Tech Entrepreneurs, one of them being Sebastian Sobczak. I notice that the initial separation from Facebook or Ello, is that they say they will reward it’s users. It displays ads and promises to do so.  So you have good engaging content to share, go for it, you never know as your material get’s shared, what will happen. A few profits here and there can add up. Tsu, will keep 10% of it’s profits from the ads, and give whoever shares, creates solid content the other 90%. users will also receive payments from the friends they invite share engaging content as well.

I think if you are an active online blogger or Social Media buff, who has a large following, it is worth a shot to give this a go. People can join you per invite only; CarlRamallo is my tag…look me up!

Tsu, is mainly about content creation, and while some people might think  it reminds them of an MLM, well in some ways, but that should not scare anyone. I like the idea that Tsu, is against spam and is limited how many times a day you can post, which as of today is 5 times- I believe. Let’s see where Tsu will lead us, if you are at all interested, please join me at:

I look forward to hear about your thoughts on this networking platform. If you found value in this article, kindly share on Social Media. Thanks so much for your time and have an awesome day!

Create a Great Day,

Carl Ramallo

Top 50 Social Media Success Coach 2014




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