Social Media

Branding Yourself Online

brand urselfBranding Yourself Online. The basic idea of personal branding is to promote yourself as having certain values, skills or expertise — your brand — so that if someone needs that expertise, they’ll come to you first. So how do you go about creating your personal brand?
Remember, that there is heavy competition across all platforms, so have belief in your strengths and your core values.

Choosing the proper platforms-  Find out where your target audience that you want to reach hangs out.  Stats will change from time to time, however, you will get a feel to where to need to focus on.

Get Visual – Also as you take the time to practice and use some thought into what you want to convey to your audience. Also, if you have an Avatar-Color/Logo you want your audience to associate it with, please remain consistent with your branding strategy as you are branding yourself online.

Be Regular– Promote your message on a regular basis. Post value and not just ads, you do not want to turn folks off.

Develop a Story Telling Strategy–  People love to associate a “ME 2” feeling, and in turn will have that common feeling with your message. Get personal and perhaps talk about something non business related.

Improve your SEO–  Engaging visuals will help people stay on your posts longer, so get used to developing graphics within your posts.

Social SEO

In Social Media, your brand identity needs to be a clear message of who you are and what you have to offer. Be passionate about your subject matter. I have been a Success Coach for many years, and have have the honor of working with leaders such as the late Jim Rohn, Tony Robbins, and others. One key item is that you name your blog with your own name and your specialist area. Join in conversations about your subject on other blogs, always using your full name,your brand name if you will. Use a nice photo of yourself. The face you present to the world should be the face of trust and confidence.

People need to like you first. Get a professionally designed website and write articles (using Word Press if you can), and tell the world why you are different. Be sure your branding tells prospects why they should choose you. I chose to be mentored by someone who I met on Twitter, and she is simply amazing.  What will make you stick in the minds of potential customers? Think about this clearly and make you sure you have a focused and defined plan to engage potential clients to pick you to work with.

Let’s say you are an Auto Detailer. This positions you as somewhat of an authority figure in the reader’s eyes if you get a url for a Blog or website that says, They gain some respect and buy-in with you as a person and want to find out more. An example for you branding yourself with success is in the cards now.
Remember, Create~Communicate~Maintain promoting yourself & brand regularly. If you don’t brand yourself first, someone else will brand you. Branding also gives you a sense of confidence and purpose.You must have a social network presence as part of your branding. At popular sites like Twitter, Facebook, and others, you get valuable exposure. So keep at it and do not stop.

Enjoy Life & Live the way you’ve always Dreamed of!!!

Create a Great Day,

Carl Ramallo

Home Business Success Coach

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  1. WOW just what I was looking for. Came here by searching for business home ideas

  2. A great read with helpful tips on it! Thanks for this.

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