Mindset Strategies

Is Your Mental Strategy Guiding You In The Right Direction?

Is your mental strategy guiding you in the right direction?

One of the greatest things that I have learned after being coached by Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn, Zig Ziglar and others, is that you need to make some mental shifts in order to get your mind to do what you want and get some of the results you long for. On a Conscious thinking level, you must take great responsibility in reaching any goals that you set forward to reach, so you may live that glorious life you seek. There is no lottery thinking here, no quick roads or short cuts. You must get a plan to take the long road, because, if you do not know the path you will be taking, well then, any road will take you there. However, I am not sure that you will have a very happy journey if you do not make some mental changes. . You must condition yourself and your nervous system to make these changes.  Your reasons must be compelling, get excited about where you are going. Rand McNally, had a map, get a mentor and a map to where you want to go.  If you have any inner conflicts, get clarity and so not be fearful to make it yours. That treasure is yours now. Align you focus to what I important to you in achieving your dream.  The only thing that is missing, is for you to take action and getting fulfillment in doing so.

People base their future based on what has happened in their past. However, there is no correlation, if you change your strategy. Your attitude toward your short and long term goal and the steps you take to get there, will determine your outcome. Mentally you have the control, if you believe so. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Challenge procrastination with decisive action. Remember that it’s not necessary to have all the evidence before you commit yourself. Sometimes it takes a leap of faith. In order to be successful you must take what each day gives you and learn from it and grow. Your mind must dwell upon where you want to be, there will be some twists in the road, however, you can get there.


Do you immerse yourself in learning the steps needed to shine and growing as a person?  People have to believe that they can achieve something that seems beyond their reach. We generally change ourselves for one of two reasons; inspiration or desperation. How bad do you want to live the life you want now, and what are you willing to give up in order to get it?  This is what you have to ask yourself. Each of us – successes and failures, rich or poor, young or old, employed and unemployed – has exactly 24 hours a day, 168 hours a week. How much time investment you make in your dream is up to you


You need to have that winner mentality. A winner never quits and a quitter never wins.  There is no option here, you can do it if you influence you brain to condition yourself to be one. You need to Create a Biology that is Positive and your Brain will release a Chemistry that assist in Manifesting a Physical Experience for you.

 Henry Ford, said “You can’t build a reputation on what you are going to do”

So take action. Set up a discipline when the emotions are high and the idea is strong, clear, and powerful. Take the core of your time allowed, to focus on your mindset to achieve an attitude that is unshakable. Start with the smallest discipline that corresponds to your own philosophy, the one that makes you better than who you were yesterday. You are the best project that you can work on, so do not be afraid to screw and make mistakes as you become what you want to be by achieving them.

The process of condition yourself to success is great once you get into motion.  Desire will be the starting point of your achievement, so get started. Your beliefs and values control you so, you have some conflicts internally that may be holding you back. Snap out of it, because you will make progress. You have to get started and take action on your journey, because you will never stumble upon something great sitting down.

Any thought, plan or idea that you hold continuously must be brought into your reality by your higher conscious mind.  Unfortunately, we do not get what we deserve in life – we get what we expect.   And so, depending upon whether our subconscious is programmed with a positive expectation for success, or with a negative expectation, it heavily contributes towards the results we receive daily.  Once a positive thought has been impressed in the subconscious, it must lead to an experience. No impression is ever going to be wasted. Successful people maintain a positive focus in life no matter what is going on around them.

You are simply experiencing what you have prepared yourself to experience. This requires diligence and sometimes a great deal of practice to stay focused. When you act in this manner, you start creating success in each part of your life. These successes and the focused attention on being in a positive light will create positive impressions upon your subconscious. These new impressions will eventually surface in the form of new positive experiences.  I do hope you take advantage of a Free Coaching Session to see how we may work out a strategy for you!

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Enjoy Life & Live the way you’ve always Dreamed of!!!

Create a Great Day,

Carl Ramallo, Life Strategist Coach

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