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]]>This means that our levels of success are very much tied into our own perception of self-worth, and whether we feel we are worthy of success. Because if deep down our subconscious we do not truly believe that we are 100% worthy of success, then success is definitely not going to come knocking on our door – or if it does, we will find ourselves shutting the door again without ever realizing it was an opportunity. And so it is important to build up our own sense of self worth, confidence and inner belief, as these inner resources seem to reflect
This is because our brain possess hundreds of thousands of neural pathways running through it, which transports the electrical impulses of our own thoughts around our body – and when we change our wealth consciousness, those particular pathways associated with ‘success’ begin to suddenly transport more and more electrical impulses along them – and this increased mental ‘traffic’ transforms these neural pathways from low-traffic back streets into major neural superhighways. When this happens, it literally becomes easier for us to think these kinds of successful thoughts, than it was for us before.Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality.
And then, as the saying goes, “success breeds success” – we virtually become programmed to succeed, no matter what the environment. As the more success you have, the easier it then becomes to be even more successful in the future. But it’s not only the neural network that helps to create our success. The universe conspires with those who are specific in what they want. When you specifically state your goal you activate numerous mental and universal laws of the subconscious mind to act in your favor greatly improving your chances for success. Remember,however, Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all. So keep that in mind as well. When you see a thing clearly in your mind, your creative success mechanism within you takes over and does the job much better than you could do it by conscious effort. The only limits in life are the limits created by your mind.
Enjoy Life & Live the way you’ve always Dreamed of!!!
Create a Great Day,
Carl Ramallo
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]]> 2 1344The post Subconscious Mind. What is your Frequency? appeared first on Carl Ramallo | Success Coach, Social Media Strategist and Speaker.
]]>Subconscious Mind. What is your Frequency? We come with a believe that you create a Lifestyle with your Wishes and Desires. Of course, during your Life you become aware that Life is a struggle at times and you Create that Self Doubt, saying things like:
” I wish I made more Money” or ” It’s not in the Cards for me” . Don’t be a victim to these thoughts, do not buy into it. The Universe is not against you at all and it will support your every desire. Your Belief System Shapes your Life. You need to re-empower yourself. You need to Create a Biology that is Positive and your Brain will release a Chemistry that assist in Manifesting a Physical Experience for you. The Conscious Mind is right behind your Forehead and it is the “Creative” Mind. There is no time bounds for it o.k. However, the Subconscious is a Million Times for Powerful than the Conscious, so you must learn how to use it to your advantage in whatever Lifestyle you wish to Achieve. The subconscious mind believes and acts on what it is told, Tell your Mind that : ” I Release my need to Procrastinate” , ” I am willing to change my Relationship with Money” , “I am comfortable with New Opportunities” .
Do not Sabotage yourself any more. Remember your Subconscious releases signals of past experiences all the time : Unsettled situation like a bad business deal or relationship…your mind will react to that Energy Field. The Subconscious Mind is Subjective in nature. and it can not reason or distinguish between positive and negative. Since it Controls more than 85% of your Mind-make sure you do the best to make it Work for you. When you are using it you must realize that you have the Control to the Mechanism.
Your Mind is Programmed Genetically and Environmentally, so unless you have the Life you Desire than you must develop the Frequency with your Thought Energy. The Paradigm controls the Vibrational Frequency and the Vibration controls the Actions that produce the results. Your Paradigm dictates your logic and it controls the Money your earn, too. Your Paradigm is formed by the repetition of information. You process anywhere between 60,000 – 90,000 thoughts a day, so make sure that there are some Life Changing one’s in there.
Example : If you want to Change How Money flows into your life? Well, then say this Daily a Thousand times for 90 Days: “I am so happy and grateful that Money comes to me in increasing quantities from Multiple Sources on a Daily Basis…and it will change your Concept about Money.
Till next time, I do hope this article was helpful as well as enjoyable. Please give me some feedback and if you are so kind perhaps Tweet to a friend.
Enjoy Life & Live the way you’ve always Dreamed of!!!
Create a Great Day,
Carl Ramallo
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]]> 5 1572The post Laws of The Subconscious Mind appeared first on Carl Ramallo | Success Coach, Social Media Strategist and Speaker.
]]> Laws of The Subconscious Mind. Do you know what Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy, Jim Rohn, Robert Kiyosaki and ALL other successful people have in common? All of them know how to unleash the hidden power of their subconscious mind power. Your subconscious mind is 30,000 times more powerful than your conscious mind. To unleash your hidden potential, you have to tap into your subconscious mind power. Tony Robbins, once said, “All personal changes must take place at the subconscious level.” To have permanent changes in our lives, we must change the thinking of our subconscious mind. The problem lies in the person.They may have a strong desire to succeed but they fail to give specific instructions of what they want to their subconscious mind. In the first place, they are not even sure of what they want.
Brian Tracy, world renowned success coach, said, “Once the goals are programmed into the subconscious mind, it will take a power of its own to achieve the goals automatically.” massive action is important because while your subconscious mind can bring the goal to you, you on the other hand have to be ready for it. Here are 2 simple exercises you can use right away to program your goals into your subconscious mind.
1. Create a dream board.
Create a pictorial version of the goal that you want to achieve and paste it at a place where you can see everyday.
A good place is your study table or at the right hand corner of the windscreen of your car.
Richard Brooke wrote in his book Mach II With Your Hair On Fire that he purchased a mock-up of the cover of SUCCESS Magazine with his picture on the cover and looked at it every day. 9 years later, he was chosen for the cover of SUCCESS Magazine.
I used to paste a picture of my first dream car when I merely had a couple of thousand dollars in my bank account. 1 years later, I bought the car.
These stories are not coincidence. That’s the power of the subconscious mind.
As what Earl Nightingale said, “The mind moves in the direction of our currently dominant thoughts.”
Scientists will tell you that this method works because of the R.A.S. (Reticular Activating System) in our brain, which is our antenna or radar that attract things that we focus to us.
2. Write your goals every night just before you sleep. You must learn to Influence The Subconscious Mind.
Every night, just before you sleep, write down your top 5 goals, 20 times each. Continue to repeat your goals in your mind until you fell asleep.
The reason for this exercise is to dominate your mind with your goals while your subconscious mind is most active. THis is where the Subconscious Law Of Attraction comes into play. The alpha brain waves is one of the four categories of the brain frequencies. When your brain vibrates at 7-14 Hz, you are said to be in Alpha. Have you ever experience a light bulb moment when you are bathing? Or suddenly have a solution to a problem just before you sleep?
When you are in alpha brain waves, you are relaxed and calm; your creative juice flow faster; you can recall things better, such as where you left your keys; you can learn things faster; you absorb information faster. More importantly, the best time to reprogram your subconscious mind is when you are in alpha.
Besides alpha brain waves, the other brain waves include beta, theta and delta. When you are in beta, you are conscious and alert. Too much beta frequency can make you feel stress and breathless. When you are in theta, you are in a twilight state. You are not conscious. When you dream in your sleep, you are in theta. When you are in delta, you are sleeping. You are not aware of what’s happening because you are in an unconscious state of mind.
Everyday, your brain state moves from delta (sleeping) to beta (alert) and then from beta back to delta. In between, you will experience alpha and theta.
Alpha is the bridge between your conscious and your subconscious mind.
For more tips on how your mind works, go to
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Enjoy Life & Live the way you’ve always Dreamed of!!!
Create a Great Day,
Carl Ramallo
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]]> 0 1316The post Your Subconscious Mind is the KEY to Success appeared first on Carl Ramallo | Success Coach, Social Media Strategist and Speaker.
]]>The universe conspires with those who are specific in what they want. When you specifically state your goal you activate numerous mental and universal laws of the subconscious mind to act in your favor greatly improving your chances for success, it is the storage room of everything that is currently not in your conscious so we must work at being conscious of what we put in it.
The overall scope of the the mind is that it works like a camera and it records just about everything from the time you are born. The conscious mind on the other hand, which is the left brained…but that right side we need to develop, the subconscious minds operation is primarily a recording device and a data storehouse that the conscious mind. Do you see the correlation there? Perhaps the Law of Attraction? This explains 2 of the most powerful tips for harnessing and applying your subconscious mind power, to help you achieve the success that you have always dreamed of.
The subconscious mind is the driver seat of all memories, fears, attitudes, behavioral patterns, habits, beliefs, and expectations. Only 2-4% of our day is controlled by our conscious mind, and the other 96-98% is taken care of by the subconscious. 96% of all your decisions, actions, thoughts, feelings are all done automatically, unconsciously via your subconscious mind.
Keep in mind that habits & attitudes are pretty much classified as positive or negative. Actions are best generated in the subconscious, when your mind is at a resting stage. Success in life is a lot of little achievements,everyday ones. It’s following through on every goal that you set up and take action on. So a vital function of the subconscious mind is habit formation & control, so when you couple the amazing capacity of the conscious with it,you can conceive a virtual limitless amount of success in your life. It is amazing to think how much our subconscious mind does for us. It beats our heart, digests our food, and breathes for us all without any conscious effort. With all of the amazing things it does, our subconscious doesn’t always do everything we want it to. Many people have realized that they have several bad habits of doing and thinking, and understand that in order to grow and prosper, those habits must be changed. Indeed, your subconscious mind is the key to your success.
Enjoy Life & Live the way you’ve always Dreamed of!!!
Create a Great Day,
Carl Ramallo, Success Coach
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]]> 2 2009The post Are you a Student of Positivity? appeared first on Carl Ramallo | Success Coach, Social Media Strategist and Speaker.
]]>Are you a Student of Positivity?
Positivity, I believe is a state of character that you need to be in at all times. We live in a World that is very demanding and is asking us to constantly evolve and change, yet there is not a lot of Positive things happening in this world of ours at all times. However, it is up to up to be that light and brighten things in the lives of others. Everything you will do on a daily basis, will influence someone in one shape or form, you are somehow brought together by a purpose. Develop the certainty you need to be a more powerful student of positivity.
I believe that when you walk into a room, you either lighten it or dim it. I do realize that it is tough to be positive at all times, however, what are the alternatives? If you constantly strive to be in that peak state at all times, that you will be poised to overcome any immediate obstacles and be ready to conquer any future challenges. It’s all a matter of perspective, when you wake up in the morning, you have 2 choices. To be in a light of positivity or negative.
To become a student of positivity, one must have vision. To start, your need a vision of the person you want to be. You will receive great joy from encountering new experiences in the lives of many as you are in this positive light. Be the path that guides the way for others when they are having trouble seeing…be that light of positivity. Just look at the positive side of what you CAN do.
The degrees of success and happiness we achieve in life result overwhelming basis from the actions we take daily. However, the actions which matter most are not those we do every now and then. It is our consistent actions (our habits) which more than anything else determine the direction and success of our lives. I believe this is the first key to success is to adopt good habits. Take any negatives that you may have in your life, and turn them into a positive. I’m a firm believer that you can easily think of something positive, as easily as the opposite, so why waste precious time in doing so.
Take into account that all experiences count, the particular ones which count the most in shaping our habits, are those which are most emotional and which occur most frequently. Despite their obvious power and certain control over our lives, you must not be a slave to your past experiences. Perhaps some of those experiences have led to negative behaviors, but we must not be slaves to them. When you have a food positive attitude, you must not really care of the negative minds that try to change yours. Power on.
Do something positive each day. The New Positivity habit will become nothing more that repeated behavior. One day you will wake up and find yourself taking positive actions without even thinking about it consciously. You need to form that habit. One of our founding fathers, Abraham Lincoln said is true, that “most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” Being positive leads to happiness, and that comes from within.
In our lifetime we will encounter negativity every day, how you react to it will be the difference. Do not count on the media to make it any easier, as all they do is report mostly negative news that infiltrates people’s subconscious mind with garbage. Have you hear do the term garbage inn, garbage out. It is the same thing with a person’s outlook. The significant problems we face cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them, so you need to be in a positive frame of mind at all times.
The secret of success is learning how to use pain and pleasure instead of having pain and pleasure use you. If you do that, you’re in control of your life. If you don’t, life controls you. So how to choose to use that positive outlook will determine how you will evolve into being a student of positive thinking. If we wait for the moment when everything, absolutely everything is ready, we shall never begin. To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. “Your life changes the moment you make a new, congruent, and committed decision.”~ Tony Robbins
It’s time for you to start shaping your life and being the person you imagined that you will become using this mindset. Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make, the better. If we did all the things that we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves. There is a fire inside you and I know it is there, you need to let it out, and do not hold back; you can do this. Live Life NOW. Seldom will you exceed your own expectations!
Unfortunately, we do not get what we deserve in life – we get what we expect. And so, depending upon whether our subconscious is programmed with a positive expectation for success, or with a negative expectation, it heavily contributes towards the results we receive daily. Once a positive thought has been impressed in the subconscious, it must lead to an experience. No impression is ever going to be wasted. Successful people maintain a positive focus in life no matter what is going on around them.
You are simply experiencing what you have prepared yourself to experience. This requires diligence and sometimes a great deal of practice to stay focused. When you act in this manner, you start creating e success in each part of your life. These successes and the focused attention on being in a positive light,will create positive impressions upon your subconscious. These new impressions will eventually surface in the form of new positive experiences.
Positive thoughts get reinforced through positive action, and negative thoughts through negative action. You have over 60,000 thoughts in a day, what if you took actions throughout the day that required you to have mostly positive thoughts? What would that outcome be? Ask yourself this question. What if? Walk away from the 97% crowd. Don’t use their excuses. Take charge of your own life. You will be glad that you did.
Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.~ Jim Rohn
So get disciplined in being the most positive person that you can be. Create the balance of positivity that you would like to see in the world. It is a funny thing about life; if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it.
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Enjoy Life & Live the way you’ve always Dreamed of!!!
Create a Great Day,
Carl Ramallo, Success Coach
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]]> 0 1938The post Wealth Consciousness appeared first on Carl Ramallo | Success Coach, Social Media Strategist and Speaker.
]]>To become the person that you want to be, you need to be a shrewd business person that’s honorable and your thoughts will do anything that’s available to you in life and your wishes will come to you in an unlimited supply, ok. You want to visualize yourself as a modern day entrepreneur, remember that visualization is a very much another way of being the practical method for day dreaming and it is going to redirect your imagination on a path that you need to achieve your goals.
To achieve any goals, you need to learn how to set up for a real life with Vision, Clarity, and like I mentioned in the past, don’t allow minor distractions to take any attention off who you are and who you want to become. It’s very important to keep that in mind that you got to refrain from gossip any negative criticism from your family your friends or even a business associate, so just make sure that you’re in the right mind frame to reach your goals and remember there’s a saying, that says the ladder of success is clouded with conformists basically leaching at the bottom of the ladder. Do not be too embarrassed to leave the security of the everyday crowd. You were brought into this world to stand out not to be a conformist or to settle.
Realize that your conscious mind never responds to ambiguity, you gotta’ be specific. When practicing Subconscious mind affirmations, you should consider making a list with the most immediate pressing needs and then the second list which is especially the ultimate things that you want to achieve in your life …the biggest desires. If you will, please write down with the left side when it comes to mind when you think about you immediate monetary problems. don’t write things like, paying bills.. write specifically the one most pressing from that moment and go ahead and fill out that left on 1st o.k.
Then when you feel like you’ve done, on the right hand side, write what want to do, as a satisfying the solution for every problem.
It might take some time to put that together, so remember you need to make a few decisions here o.k. so when creating that list, concern yourself with adequate solutions to any immediate money problems that you have and it should be bringing you to a situation of you knowing you are going and while working on this list, don’t write down things like, “I want a lot of money” gotta be specific and write down,
“I, John or Maria, will make $50 thousand dollars a year as a Writer.” Don’t write things like, I want another job, Try, “I (name), want to be a Medical Technician, or whatever it is you’re looking to do. So again, please be specific. What you write on paper is going to be stated as to the fact that it was already accomplished, so that is going to be crucial when you’re writing things down on that list, your subconscious mind notes this statement and realizes that if you want it.
Try something like this “I, Michael, am the new social media marketing manager at Xyz Co.”
So now your subconscious takes that statement in the image of YOU being that person, and gets and it planted there and when you put those affirmations in that format it will work better than anything that you tried in the past. Always express your affirmations from a positive point of view, and never be afraid to modify any information that you put down on paper for any reason, because your goals may change you might have new interests as time goes by, so you’re upgrading the affirmations. Impregnating something positive into your subconscious mind over and over will help bring it out into your physical reality. I’ll say it once and I’ll say it again, say these things daily, to take to effect.
You need to do this everyday, you have to basically get those images implanted in your Subconscious mind so when you wake up in the morning repeat the affirmations out loud and visualize them, and do it in a clear voice and with some passion.
If you are going to take a walk in the afternoon, take out of the paper that you wrote your affirmations on, and say to yourself out loud. Also, before you go to sleep at night as well. It is a great time to do it because the subconscious hears your voice of forming something being said and it’s shaping that expression in your mind and don’t be afraid to say it in a closed room or when you’re by yourself. Please don’t do it while the people are in a living room watching TV.
Your subconscious mind is just center of control of your life at any given time, whatever balance between a positive and a negative some conscious influence, that’s the kind of life that you were going to lead. The more positive influences in action that you have, your subconscious could be literally a Goldmine for you. If there’s more negative influences in action, it’s going to be bad for you. You must deliberately control your conscious actions, to be on the positive side so that it’s recorded subconsciously toward being a noteworthy change.
Master positive influences by deliberately and consciously cultivating positive habits – you could have anything in your life as long as you desire for it is strong enough to shape your subconscious mind to believe that. Remember that positive subconscious influence remains on the threshold of the conscious mind, so the kind of life that you will lead is going to be determined by the balance between a positive and a negative subconscious influence. It does not have to be determined by what you did in the past. Accept responsibility for what you did in the past, but also be willing to accept responsibility for your future with a predetermined pattern for it!
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Enjoy Life & Live the way you’ve always Dreamed of!!!
Create a Great Day,
Carl Ramallo, Success Coach
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]]> 0 2015The post The Easy Way to Watch Out For Eight Body Language Signs appeared first on Carl Ramallo | Success Coach, Social Media Strategist and Speaker.
]]>1. The Eyes Have It
The single most important aspects of body language is, looking your prospect in the eyes. This conveys respect, confidence, trustworthiness, and sincerity. Likewise, not doing so conveys fear, disinterest, lack of confidence, shame, and secretiveness.
It’s important to maintain eye contact while probing and building rapport with your prospect. Look at them longer and more often than at your presentation material. And it’s absolutely essential to look them in the eye when attempting to close.
If your prospect doesn’t want to meet your eyes, it’s likely that they’re intimidated by you or disinterested in what you have to say. Try to put them at ease by offering them something to eat or drink, or talk about common interests and other things you may both enjoy or care about.
2. Lead with your Arms
Your arms can convey great emotion. Use grand gestures for high emotion, and keep your arms still for quiet, intense moments. Whatever you do, don’t cross your arms. This highly defensive position conveys anger or indifference. It practically screams, “I don’t care.”
If your prospect crosses his arms, he’s likely adopting a defensive position towards something you said. Try to re-engage them by shifting the focus back on them and what they want. Get them to participate. Instead of focusing on thoughts, ask them how they feel about what you’ve discussed.
3. Mind your Head
Keeping your head at a level, steady position is a sign of confidence and sends the signal that people should listen to you. On the other hand, tilting your head to the side is a sign that you are receptive and ready to listen. Lowered heads indicate a reason to try and hide something.
4. Bridging the Gap
As much as possible, sit beside your prospect. Having a desk between you only underscores the initial emotional distance between the two of you. Bridge it by sitting together and talking as equals. But pay attention to how comfortable they are with your distance. If you sense them pulling back from you, you may be intruding on their personal space and should back off.
5. Find the Right Angles
Simply put, we angle ourselves to face people we like or we’re attracted to, and angle away from people who repel us. Face your body towards your prospect while talking to them, tilting or leaning forward to bodily “listen” to what they say. Likewise, when a prospect leans towards you it means they’re interested in what you have to say.
6. Handshakes for Dummies
To begin with, make sure your hands are warm and dry! Nobody likes a cold, clammy hand that shows its owner’s nervousness. A firm grip on your handshake shows that you’re confident, friendly, and trustworthy.
When your hands are palms-up, they convey friendliness and openess. Palms down convey dominance and maybe even aggressiveness. This usually comes to play when shaking hands for the first time. It’s best to offer a level, upright handshake so as to show you’re on equal footing.
7. Watch Those Legs
Twitchy, restless legs betray nerves and stress; try to keep them under control by planting both feet on the ground. As with crossing your arms, crossing your legs is a no-no. The “Figure 4” portrays you as arrogant, close-minded, or defensive. When your prospect does this himself, try to engage them in friendly, non-threatening banter.
In the end, people like to be liked. If you give every indication that you like the person sitting across from you, they’ll reflect the same thing back at you. And it’s always easier to present to a friendly audience.
8. Unnecessary Movements
Feeling out a liar when they make unnecessary movements as they are confronted with certain issues. Whether they also start to perspire, or scratch their head while looking up toward a top left corner or such. A shoulder roll is likely a sign of things to pay attention to as well.
Hope some of these 8 tips help. Till next time.
Enjoy Life & Live the way you’ve always Dreamed of!!!
Create a Great Day,
Carl Ramallo
Home Business Success Coach
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